Spacy API

The system can operate as a pipeline add-in to spaCy that attaches to a span or doc To use as an extension, you need spaCy version 2.0 or later.


The function setup_spacy_extension() attaches a seqeuence-to-graph inference function to the spaCy span and doc objects. When working with these objects, there is a new method <object>._.to_amr(). Note the ._. that spaCy uses to delineate add-on functions from native spaCy functions for these objects.


import amrlib
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp('This is a test of the SpaCy extension. The test has multiple sentences.')

# The following are roughly equivalent but demonstrate the different objects.
graphs = doc._.to_amr()
for graph in graphs:

for span in doc.sents:
    graphs = span._.to_amr()