Inference Model API

This documents the basic API for the system. The methods here just a small subset of the various functions in the system but should represent the majority of what's needed for run-time (aka inference) operation.

For training and test examples see Training or refer directly to the code.

For additional examples, see the scripts/xx directories or the tests/xx directories.

Sequence to Graph Functions (Parsing)


stog = load_stog_model(model_dir=None, **kwargs)

This method loads the sequence to graph model (aka parser). If no model_dir is not supplied the default of amrlib/data/model_stog is used.

kwargs can be used to pass parameters such as device, batch_size, beam_size, etc to the inference routine.

See specific model descriptions for additional parameters and their use.

The function returns a STOGInferenceBase type object which is a simple abstract base class for the underlying model.


graphs = parse_sents(sents, add_metadata=True)

This method takes a list of sentence strings and converts them into a list of AMR graphs. The optional parameter add_metadata tells the system if metadata such as "id", "snt", etc.. should appear at the top of the graph string.


import amrlib
stog = amrlib.load_stog_model()
graphs = stog.parse_sents(['This is a test of the system.', 'This is a second sentence.'])
for graph in graphs:

Graph to Sequence Functions (Generation)


gtos = load_gtos_model(model_dir=None, **kwargs)

This method loads the graph to sequence model (aka generator). If no model_dir is specified the default amrlib/data/model_gtos is used.

kwargs can be used to pass parameters such as device, batch_size, num_beams, num_ret_seq, etc.

See specific [model descriptions](( for additional parameters and their use.

device is automatically selected but you can pass cpu or cuda:0 if needed.

The function returns a GTOSInferenceBase type object which is a simple abstract base class for the underlying model.


sents, clips = generate(graphs, disable_progress=False)

This method takes a list of AMR graph strings and returns a list of sentence strings and a list of booleans. The boolean list clips tells if any of the returned sentences were clipped as a result of the tokenized graph being too long for the model.

disable_progress can be used to turn off the default tqdm progress bar.


sents = get_ans_group(answers, group_num)

This is a simple slicing function that returns all the sentences associated with the input graph number.

answers is the returned list from generate() and group_num is the input graph number. The method will return num_req_seq sentence strings.


import amrlib
gtos = amrlib.load_gtos_model()
sents, _ = gtos.generate(graphs, disable_progress=True)
for sent in sents:

for gnum in range(len(graphs)):
    print('graph number', gnum)
    for sent in gtos.get_ans_group(sents, gnum):